Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So in my preparations to journey off to the land of Ghengis Khan, I became a human pin cushion. Wonderful diseases abound in Mongolia and now thanks to the nice people at Farragut Travel and Medical Center in DC, I no longer have to worry. For anyone who is curious I received:

Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Yay, No Lockjaw!)
Hep A
Hep B
Japanese Encephalitis (This was the most fun as it was a series of three shots)

I also get to take Malaria medicine the entire time I am abroad. Luckily, I am told my medicine is the nightmare free version. I certainly don't want to terrify my host family with shrieks in the middle of the night.

Leaving for Mongolia

I leave for Mongolia on June 3rd. I decided to start a blog for the three or so people that are interested in what I am doing. I will be living in Ulaanbaatar and working in a hospital and other than that I don't know to much about what I am getting myself into. I will update everyone when I figure it out.